
  • Never mind what’s in your wallet..

    What’s in your DNA?

    science lab chemical bottlesThose of you who know me can attest to the fact that through the years, I’ve really striven to learn the most up-to-date information on wellness, healthy aging, and well-being and incorporate what I’ve learned into my daily life as well as to share what I’ve learned with others.

    And yet, over time, I’ve been plagued with increasingly ubiquitous ‘discomfort’ (a.k.a. pain)

    All of my physicals come back with beautifully glowing lab results that indicate perfect health – and yet – I’m hurting. And for all the perfectly-perfect lifestyle and diet choices I make, I don’t necessarily feel robust.

    At the suggestion of my chiropractor, I went to see Kimberly Feagans, B.A., CWK, CKP, who specializes in Wholistic Methylation and Wholistic Kinesiology. What I learned about myself, and by extension, my family was truly enlightening. But beyond that, it gave me hope that I could resolve many, if not all, of my issues.

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