Core Strength

  • Are You Strengthening Your 'Core' or Waisting Your Time?

    Strengthening Core

    Strengthening Core
    A recent article in the New York Times asks “Are Crunches Worth the Effort”?  The article refers to a study conducted at Indiana State University, which suggests that training the “core” does not necessarily contribute to improved athletic or physical performance.


  • beginning mat level 1

    Welcome to Basic Mat! - Level 1

    In this program we will take the concepts we learned in the Foundations of Pilates DVD and expand them to Beginning Mat Pilates exercises. 

    Each exercise is presented with a variety of options to meet your personal challenge level. Using this system, this program can be appropriate for a beginning level student and still useful for students as they progress in strength and endurance.

    So when you see or try a couple of these variations, REMEMBER to “Be like Goldilocks and choose the one that is ‘just right’ for YOU!

    I hope you will join me on the Mat!

    ~Dr. MaryJayne

  • mat classes

    Based on the teaching of Joseph Pilates, these 55 minute classes include small equipment such as bands, rollers, and stability balls and are infused with yoga and other mind/body techniques.  Packages are transferable and may be shared. Drop-ins availble depending on space. 

    (Please bring your own mat.)

  • private lessons

    Each  50 minute Pilates-based session is individually tailored to address your specific needs, goals and body type while promoting long term health, fitness and wellness.

    Buy singly or a package of 10 for a hefty discount.

    Half sessions upon request. Contact me

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